
2022年からGlobis Capital Partners様とコラボを組んだ実践的起業講義が、今年は東京大学正規科目となりました。東大および協定校は学部から博士まで学年を問わず受講可能です!また、後日YouTubeから一部動画も一般公開させていただきます。詳細はこちらから!

Our paper was accepted for NAACL 2024.

■書誌情報 Takeshi Kojima, Itsuki Okimura, Yusuke Iwasawa, Hitomi Yanaka, Yutaka Matsuo. “On the Multilingual Ability of Decoder-based Pre-trained Language Models: Finding and Controlling Language-Specific Neurons”. 2024 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2024) ■概要 Current decoder-based pre-trained language models (PLMs) successfully demonstrate multilingual capabilities, but it is…

Our paper was accepted for 電子情報通信学会和文論文誌D

冨山翔司, 鈴木雅大, 落合桂一, 松尾豊: 文書生成タスクに対する強化学習応用における文書生成器のサンプルに非依存な報酬関数学習フレームワークの提案
文書生成タスクにおいて,強化学習は有効な手法であると知られている.過去の研究で提案された手法はいずれも,報酬関数の人手による設計の難しさからデータによる学習を試み,その際に文書生成器のサンプルを用いていた.本論文では,報酬関数の学習に文書生成器のサンプルを用いることで引き起こされる,学習時に生成器の学習の進捗を定量的に可視化できないという課題に対し,報酬関数の学習に文書生成器のサンプルを一切用いないGenerator-independent Reward Learningというフレームワークを提案する.本フレームワークに則った手法では,文書生成器の学習を定量的に可視化でき,かつ,代表的な文書生成タスクに対する強化学習応用手法に対して,性能面でも上回ることを確認した.

Our paper was accepted for ICASSP 2024.

◼︎Bibliographic information Xin Zhang*, Jiaxian Guo*, Paul Yoo, Yutaka Matsuo, Yusuke Iwasawa. “PASTE AND HARMONIZE VIA DENOISING: SUBJECT-DRIVEN IMAGE EDITING WITH FROZEN PRE-TRAINED DIFFUSION MODEL”. ICASSP 2024 ◼︎Overview Text-to-image generative models have attracted rising attention for flexible image editing via user-specified descriptions. However, text descriptions alone are not enough to elaborate the details of subjects,…

Our paper was accepted for ICLR 2023

① ■書誌情報 Akihiro Nakano, Masahiro Suzuki, Yutaka Matsuo. “Interaction-Based Disentanglement of Entities for Object-Centric World Models”, International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2023) ■概要 Perceiving the world compositionally in terms of space and time is essential to understanding object dynamics and solving downstream tasks. Object-centric learning using generative models has improved in its ability to…

Our paper was accepted for Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence : AI.

Our paper was accepted for Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence : AI.   ◼︎書誌情報 張鑫,松嶋達也,松尾豊,岩澤有祐: M3IL: Multi-Modal Meta-Imitation Learning, 人工知能学会論文誌, 第38巻2号 J-STAGE(2022) ◼︎概要 Imitation Learning(IL) is anticipated to achieve intelligent robots since it allows the user to teach the various robot tasks easily.In particular, Few-Shot Imitation Learning(FSIL) aims to infer and adapt…

Our paper was accepted for New Generation Computing.

Our paper was accepted for New Generation Computing.   ■書誌情報 Takeshi Kojima, Yusuke Iwasawa, Yutaka Matsuo. “Robustifying Vision Transformer Without Retraining From Scratch Using Attention Based Test-Time Adaptation”, New generation computing. ■概要 Vision Transformer (ViT) is becoming more and more popular in the field of image processing. This study aims to improve the robustness against…