Our paper has been accepted for ICML 2024.

■書誌情報 Kuang-Huei Lee, Xinyun Chen, Hiroki Furuta, John Canny, Ian Fischer. “A Human-Inspired Reading Agent with Gist Memory of Very Long Contexts”. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2024) ■概要 Current Large Language Models (LLMs) are not only limited to some maximum context length, but also are not able to robustly consume long inputs. To…


◼︎書誌情報 Xin Zhang,Shixiang Shane Gu, Yutaka Matsuo, Yusuke Iwasawa : Domain Prompt Learning for Efficiently Adapting CLIP to Unseen Domains  人工知能学会論文誌, 第38巻 6号 J-STAGE ◼︎概要 Domain generalization (DG) is a difficult transfer learning problem aiming to learn a generalizable model for unseen domains. Recent foundation models (FMs) are robust to many distribution shifts and, therefore,…

当研究室の研究員が共著となった論文がAdvanced Roboticsに採録されました。

◼︎書誌情報 Tadahiro Taniguchi, Shingo Murata, Masahiro Suzuki, Dimitri Ognibene, Pablo Lanillos, Emre Ugur, Lorenzo Jamone, Tomoaki Nakamura, Alejandra Ciria, Bruno Lara, Giovanni Pezzulo, World Models and Predictive Coding for Cognitive and Developmental Robotics: Frontiers and Challenges, Advanced Robotics, 2023. ◼︎概要 Creating autonomous robots that can actively explore the environment, acquire knowledge and learn skills continuously…


◼︎書誌情報 小林由弥, 鈴木雅大, 松尾豊: 深層生成モデルによる背景情報を利用したシーン解釈, 人工知能学会論文誌, 第38巻3号, 2023. ◼︎概要 Ability to understand surrounding environment compositionally by decomposing it into its individual components is important cognitive ability. Human beings decompose arbitral entities into some parts based on its semantics or functionality, and recognize those parts as “object”. Such kind of object recognition ability is fundamental to…