Our paper was accepted for Web Intelligence (Spotlight)

Our paper was accepted for Web Intelligence (Spotlight) 書誌情報 Hiromi Nakagawa, Yusuke Iwasawa, Yutaka Matsuo. “Graph-based Knowledge Tracing: Modeling Student Proficiency Using Graph Neural Network.” Web Intelligence. Vol. XX. No. X. IOS Press, 2021. 概要 Recent advancements in computer-assisted learning systems have caused an increase in the research in knowledge tracing, wherein student performance is predicted…

Our paper was accepted for NeurIPS2021 (Spotlight)

Our paper was accepted for presentation at NeurIPS2021 (Spotlight) . ︎書誌情報 Yusuke Iwasawa, Yutaka Matsuo. “Test-Time Classifier Adjustment Module for Model-Agnostic Domain Generalization”,  Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2021 (NeurIPS2021). ︎概要 This paper presents a new algorithm for domain generalization (DG), test-time template adjuster (T3A), aiming to develop a model that performs well under conditions…

Our paper was accepted for NeurIPS2021

Our paper was accepted for presentation at NeurIPS2021 . ︎書誌情報 Hiroki Furuta, Tadashi Kozuno, Tatsuya Matsushima, Yutaka Matsuo, and Shixiang Shane Gu. “Co-Adaptation of Algorithmic and Implementational Innovations in Inference-based Deep Reinforcement Learning”,  Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2021 (NeurIPS2021). ︎概要 Recently many algorithms were devised for reinforcement learning (RL) with function approximation. While…


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本講義は,工学部「創造的ものづくりプロジェクト」.工学系研究科「創造性工学プロジェクト」のプロジェクト型演習講義の1つとして実施されるものです. 人工知能技術を応用したロボット開発を行うチーム開発活動への参加に対して単位が認定される講義になっています.




