Research Area
Dec 2020 RoboCup Japan Open @ Home DSPL League, 2nd Place
T. Matsushima et al.
December 2020 RoboCup Japan Open @ Home DSPL League, Technical Challenge Winner
T. Matsushima et al.
JSAI2020 Award for Excellence in Oral Presentation, International Session: “Visualizing Road Condition Information by Applying the AutoEncoder to Wheelchair Sensing Data for Road Barrier Assessment”
Goh Sato, Takumi Watanabe, Yusuke Iwasawa, Ikuko Eguchi Yairi,
JSAI2020 Student Incentive Award, “Continuous Learning Based on Amortized Reasoning.”
川島 寛乃,河野 慎,熊谷 亘, 松井 孝太,中澤 仁
Pixyz: a framework for developing complex deep generative models
Workshop on Deep Probabilistic Generative Models for Cognitive Architecture in Robotics (IROS2019)
Attempts to “integrate” different types of information
情報処理学会誌 Vol.60 No.8
JSAI2019 Student Incentive Award: “Generative Query Networks as Meta-Learning”
谷口尚平, 岩澤有祐, 松尾豊(受賞者:谷口尚平)
Best Student Paper Award at Web Intelligence 2019, “Graph-based Knowledge Tracing: Modeling Student Proficiency Using Graph Neural Network”
Hiromi Nakagawa, Yusuke Iwasawa, Yutaka Matsuo (受賞者 Hiromi Nakagawa)
Developing AI talent through community-based education
教育家庭新聞元旦号, 教育家庭新聞
Active in the AI Era
ドリームナビ, 四谷大谷