Research Area
2024 Research Report Ubiquitous Computing Systems, Best Paper Award (UBI): Proposal of Knowledge Distillation Method from Vision Transformer to Convolutional Neural Network
前羽 利治,河野 慎,松尾 豊
25th Symposium on Image Recognition and Understanding (MIRU2022) MIRU Excellence Award: Pixel vs. Object: A Study on Optimal Image Representation in Change Capture
土居健人, 濱口竜平, 岩澤有祐, 大西正輝, 松尾豊, 櫻田健,
JSAI2018 Excellence Award: “Improving Robustness to Long Action Sequences by Partitioning into Subtasks and Predicting Abstracted Actions in Instruction Following.”
篠田 一聡,竹澤 祐貴,鈴木 雅大,岩澤 有祐,松尾 豊
JSAI2018 Student Incentive Award: “Measuring the number of garbage bags from garbage collection videos using deep learning.”
三上 量弘, 河野 慎, 陳 寅, 中澤 仁
JSAI2018 Student Incentive Award: “Pointillism Detection and Scoring Method for the Establishment of Basic Calligraphic Postures in Elementary School Students.”
柿野 優衣, 河野 慎, 米澤 拓郎, 中澤 仁
JSAI2018 Excellence Award: “Counting People from High-Resolution Images Using Deep Learning”
山田 佑亮, 河野 慎, 米澤 拓郎, 中澤 仁
SPWID 2017, Best Paper Award: “Deep on Edge: Opportunistic Road Damage Detection with City Official Vehicles”
Makoto Kawano, Takuro Yonezawa, Jin Nakazawa