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    • Discovering Emerging Topics from WWW

      Naohiro Matsumura, Yutaka Matsuo, Yukio Ohsawa, Mitsuru Ishizuka

      Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 73-81 (2002)[PDF]

    • Discovering Emerging Topics from WWW

      Naohiro Matsumura, Yutaka Matsuo, Yukio Ohsawa, Mitsuru Ishizuka

      Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 73-81

    • Keyword extraction from documents using Small World structure

      松尾 豊, 大澤 幸生, 石塚 満

      情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 1825-1833

    • SL Method for Computing a Near-optimal Solution using Linear and Non-linear Programming in Cost-based Hypothetical Reasoning

      Mitsuru Ishizuka, Yutaka Matsuo

      Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 369-376

    • Algorithm for extracting keywords from documents based on word co-occurrence statistics

      松尾 豊, 石塚 満

      人工知能学会誌, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 213-227

    • “KeyWorld: Extracting Keywords in a Document as a Small World”.

      Yutaka Matsuo, Yukio Ohsawa, and Mitsuru Ishizuka

      Proc. Fourth International Conference on Discovery Science (DS2001), pp. 271-281, 2001

    • A method of substituting two types of cost-based hypothetical reasoning into a continuous-valued optimization problem and a method of reasoning by their coordination.

      松尾 豊, 石塚 満

      人工知能学会誌, Vol. 16, No. 4(B), pp. 400-407

    • “Discovering Hidden Relation behind a Link”.

      Yutaka Matsuo, Yukio Ohsawa, and Mitsuru Ishizuka

      Proc. Fifth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems & Allied Technologies (KES2001), pp.1183-1187, 2001

    • Optimization method for installation of FACTS equipment to relieve overloads in the power grid

      松尾 豊, 横山 明彦

      電気学会B論文誌, Vol. 120-B, No. 8/9, pp. 1061-1070

    • “Optimization of Installation of FACTS Device in Power System Planning by both Tabu Search and Nonlinear Programming Methods”

      Yutaka Matsuo and Akihiko Yokoyama

      Proc. Intelligent System Application to Power System (ISAP’99), pp.250-254, 1999