We analysed big data concerning movements of human resources between companies. It is shown that the movement of highly-skilled professionals to start-up companies within the West Coast region is a leading indicator of growth of business.
We research machine learning system for evolving website more attractive through user interaction. We tackled website optimization applied to medium-sized sites and automatic variation generation system for A/B testing.
We may read consumption behavior we have never known by analysing the histories of users’ actions in website such as Niconico Douga, Zexy net and Study Supri. We investigate consumer needs and mechanism of consumption that usually discussed qualitatively.
Our lab is the most active research group in the field of analysis of social media. The figure shows the world’s first successful research detecting occurrence of an earthquake (or an event) by only Twitter. The number of its citations is more than 1500. In 2014, prof. Matsuo was a track chair of web mining in WWW Conference. We continuously engage in election and market trend prediction and analysis.
人工知能によるウェブサイト解析を行う株式会社 WACUL と共同で、高度なウェブサイト改善提案を行う機械学習システムの研究を行いました。ウェブページごとの成約率を比較するだけではなく、ウェブページの特徴を捉えたウェブサイト最適化を目指しています。
Facebook広告のlog情報から、それぞれのAdsetのConversion数などの将来予測を行っています。 Adsetのパフォーマンスの将来予測により、予算のポートフォリオや、広告運用の最適化を行うことを目指しています。 kaggleなどのコンペティションを参考に、より高い精度を出せるように日々研究しています。