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全脳アーキテクチャ ─ 機能を理解しながら脳型AIを設計・開発する ─. in 認知科学講座4 心をとらえるフレームワークの展開 (編集 横澤一彦) 209–249
山川 宏
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Explaining Intelligent Agent’s Future Motionon Basis of Vocabulary Learning WithHuman Goal Inference
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Fixing the train-test objective discrepancy: Iterative Image Inpainting for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
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Hippocampal formation-inspired probabilistic generative model
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A whole brain probabilistic generative model: Toward realizingcognitive architectures for developmental robots
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Conveying Intention by Motions With Awareness of Information Asymmetry
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