Research Area
2024 Research Report Ubiquitous Computing Systems, Best Paper Award (UBI): Proposal of Knowledge Distillation Method from Vision Transformer to Convolutional Neural Network
前羽 利治,河野 慎,松尾 豊
JSAI2020 Award for Excellence in Oral Presentation, International Session: “Visualizing Road Condition Information by Applying the AutoEncoder to Wheelchair Sensing Data for Road Barrier Assessment”
Goh Sato, Takumi Watanabe, Yusuke Iwasawa, Ikuko Eguchi Yairi,
JSAI2020 Student Incentive Award, “Continuous Learning Based on Amortized Reasoning.”
川島 寛乃,河野 慎,熊谷 亘, 松井 孝太,中澤 仁
Best Student Paper Award at Web Intelligence 2019, “Graph-based Knowledge Tracing: Modeling Student Proficiency Using Graph Neural Network”
Hiromi Nakagawa, Yusuke Iwasawa, Yutaka Matsuo (受賞者 Hiromi Nakagawa)
JSAI2018 Student Incentive Award: “Measuring the number of garbage bags from garbage collection videos using deep learning.”
三上 量弘, 河野 慎, 陳 寅, 中澤 仁
59th Ubiquitous Computing Systems Research Announcement, Student Incentive Award: “CityFlow: Intelligent Urban Development Environment for Realizing Machine Learning Systems in a Super Distributed Edge Environment”.
河野 慎, 米澤拓郎, 谷村朋樹, Lea Rodger, 中澤 仁
JSAI2018 Student Incentive Award: “Pointillism Detection and Scoring Method for the Establishment of Basic Calligraphic Postures in Elementary School Students.”
柿野 優衣, 河野 慎, 米澤 拓郎, 中澤 仁
JSAI2018 Excellence Award: “Counting People from High-Resolution Images Using Deep Learning”
山田 佑亮, 河野 慎, 米澤 拓郎, 中澤 仁
SPWID 2017, Best Paper Award: “Deep on Edge: Opportunistic Road Damage Detection with City Official Vehicles”
Makoto Kawano, Takuro Yonezawa, Jin Nakazawa
Network generation model with multiple centrality measures
篠田 孝祐, 松尾 豊, 中島 秀之
知能情報ファジィ学会論文誌, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 410-422