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  • Our project has been selected for JST Strategic International Collaborative Research Program
  • Our project has been selected for JST Strategic International Collaborative Research Program

    The project “Creation of Adaptive Pruning Robot Infrastructure for Sustainable Viticulture by Robot Learning with Simulation and Intuitive Teleoperation” (abbreviated as DEMETER), which was jointly proposed by our laboratory, has been accepted by the JST Strategic International Collaborative Research Program.

    In this project, research teams from Japan, France, and Germany will work through international joint research to develop innovative robotic technologies for sustainable agriculture, and to use robot learning and teleoperation technologies to expand their applicability in diverse fields.

    Project Summary
    Project Title
    DEMETER: Development of adaptive pruning robots for sustainable viticulture through simulation empowered AI, robot learning and Intuitive teleoperation
    English: DEMETER: Development of adaptive pruning robots for sustainable viticulture through simulation empowered AI, robot learning and Intuitive TeleopeRation

    Research Contents
    This research project will address robot learning using teleoperation techniques and differentiable simulation, tactile sensing techniques and hardware design for flexible object manipulation, and optimization of environmental awareness and task planning using fundamental models. (See the figure below for the research team)

    Call for Students
    We are looking for students to work with us on projects in collaboration with our international research teams, including Germany and France. We welcome students who are interested in robotics, fundamental modeling, machine learning, simulation, tactile sensing, and flexible object manipulation technology. If you are interested in participating in international collaborations and challenging yourself with new technologies, we encourage you to apply. If you are interested, please contact us at yaonan.zhu@weblab.t.u-tokyo.ac.jpまでお気軽にご連絡ください.