With the mission of “Creating Intelligence,” the Matsuo-Iwasawa Laboratory is actively conducting a wide range of research, including the development of world models and other fundamental technologies for deep learning and beyond, robotics, large-scale language models, and social implementation of algorithms. The number of full-time researchers has exceeded 10 (and is expected to continuously increase), and 14 papers have been accepted to top international conferences such as ICML, ICLR, NAACL, and ICRA in FY2023 (Please visit this page for a list of recently accepted papers)
To expand these activities further, we have started a research internship program this summer. Under the mentorship of leading researchers in various fields, interns will be able to experience research activities in the laboratory, which are usually difficult to observe from the outside.
Reference) Intern research theme/introduction of mentors:https://weblab.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/2024-04-26/ (Japanese only)
Recently, the research internship has started with an online kick-off.
A total of 15 members participated in this internship, including participants from abroad, such as Spain and Sweden. The mentors and interns introduced themselves and their research topics at the kick-off.
Some interns participate remotely, and we utilize Slack as a communication tool and work closely with their mentors as they conduct their research.
In addition, the lab’s assigned students planned a BBQ as a welcome party for the interns.
The interns will spend 7 weeks on research under the chosen research theme and will give a presentation on the results of their research at the end of September.
We look forward to sharing the contents of their presentation on our blog.